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    Church Security Planning | Step-by-Step Video Guide(Post)

    Church Security Planning In the wake of terrible active shooter (killer) events in recent history, churches are scrambling to increase security and develop security plans. The difficulty of course ...

    Africa Adventure with Warrior Poet Society(Post)

    If you haven’t heard yet – we’re going to Africa, folks…and we’re inviting you to come with us. There are still spots available to join Warrior Poet Society on a 10-day escapade in East Afri ...

    The Despair and Danger of Nice Guy Syndrome(Post)

    Kindness is a virtue. Niceness is a vice and a danger to goodness. We all have the dark nice guy lurking in the shadows of our souls. Its desire is to take us over. And our job is to smother it and s ...

    Why We Left Public Education(Post)

    My wife and I (John Lovell) were both schooled through the public education system. She grew up in a family of public-school educators, so we're not trying today to say that all public-school educ ...

    The Tyranny Test – Are We Still Free?(Post)

    Today I want to lay out a very simple test I’m calling The Tyranny Test. It’s a timeless test that worked 100 years ago, it’ll work 100 years from now, and it’ll work today because it’s based on our ...

    Warrior Poet Reading List(Post)

    Warrior Poet Reading List* A more updated version of this list can be found HEREFighter MindsetPrinciples of Personal Defense by Jeff Cooper – of Bang by Patrick Von Horne, ...

    Journey Through Egypt in 2023 with Warrior Poet Society(Post)

    This is not one of those "walk in the footsteps of Joseph as he runs from Potiphar's wife" type trips. This is a once-in-a-lifetime journey through one of the earliest empires in the world—where ...

    How Do You Measure Up as a Man? Some Thoughts in Time for Father’s Day. (Post)

    Your legacy is written in your children and their children's children's lives. What will your legacy be to the third and fourth generation of your family? How do you measure a man’s level of succe ...

    Situational Awareness 101(Post)

    Situational awareness is even more important to your defense than your skill with a firearm. Being able to observe your surroundings, assess potential threats, stay sane and respond appropriately– ...

    Warrior Poet Profile | Finding the Real George Washington(Post)

    The grandiose world of wokeness tends to cast shade on the real world of reality and its seminal figures, so I like to bring us back every so often to the real world by looking at the greats who came ...

    Where Do You Fit on the Team? The Superpower of the Core Value Index(Post)

    I’m not exactly a personality test junkie, but I’ve taken a bunch of them—Myers-Briggs, DISC, Enneagram, Strength Finder, etc.—because, while they can’t tell you everything about how you’re wired, ...

    The 3 Traits of the Greatest Teachers(Post)

    What does it take to be a great teacher? I want to answer this all-important question, because if you’ve ever had a really inspirational, motivating and life-changing teacher or instructor, they left ...


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