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2024 Safety Tips for Summer Travel Part 1

2024 Safety Tips for Summer Travel Part 1

Posted by Warrior Poet Society on May 29th 2024

I thought this might be a good time, with summer travel coming soon, to talk about things to consider when you’re traveling internationally. In many of the places you’d like to go, but especially in Central and South America or Africa, many of us probably stand out like a sore thumb. I’m the whitest guy in the elevator, so to speak. But even if you’re not lily white, it’s still easy to stand out and potentially become an easy target. That’s one sure way to ruin a good vacation.

There are too many dark stories of Americans who went missing or turned up dead while on vacation overseas. 

Of course we’ve heard more recently of some unfortunate folks who decided to vacation in Russia and conveniently became prisoners of the Russian state.

I assume you’re not interested right now in traveling to Russia or North Korea, but if that’s your plan, my bonus travel tip is don’t go to those countries right now unless you’re Tucker Carlson. There’s plenty of Asia and Eastern European travel to enjoy that doesn’t risk ending up in a gulag.

A bigger threat is having your vacation ruined because something was stolen or someone was hurt.

Travel Tip #1: Know Before You Go

Several years ago I took the family to Costa Rica to visit a longtime friend, so I had a good contact down there who understood the culture and the danger spots. Of course we were hanging out with him, so he was able to help us avoid situations and allow us to enjoy our time.

Unfortunately there was a mission trip group down there around the same time that got mugged three times within 45 minutes.

There’s a lot to talk about there, but the first thing to address is knowing where the danger is. The state department is a good place to start for this, but even better is working through a reputable company or befriending someone in the destination who can point you in the right direction and help you steer clear of trouble.

Travel Tip #2: Don’t Be An Easy Target

As you consider what to bring and wear on your trip to paradise, ask yourself whether you’re going to look like a naïve tourist. You want to blend in as much as possible. So probably don’t wear a fanny pack. Don’t flash devices or money in public places. And don’t look gullible. In fact, maybe look a little mean.

If someone is desperate enough, they might find a way to get your valuables but you don’t want to be the first or second target they choose. You want the bad guys to think twice and wonder whether you’re going to hurt them if they mess with you and your family. 

My friend from Costa Rica says he sees people come to his country all the time who make it so blatantly obvious that they’re gringos. And they keep getting robbed and mugged. So, you’re going to stand out already, so just try to reduce your profile. Blend in. Dress poor. Look angry. Women and girls, dress modestly. (Human trafficking is real.)

Tip #3: Be Ready for Eventualities

I’m not saying you need to bring your whole go bag to the beach, but it would be wise to travel with a well-stocked first aid kit, some water filtration, some medicines for treating stomach issues, etc.

If you’re a regular on this page then you probably bring a fair amount of those things everywhere you go, but it might be good to also customize your kit based on the destination.

Obviously, you don’t want to ruin your time with family because you’re packing and acting like the world’s going to end, so strike a balance. But also don’t go totally unprepared.

This includes making backups for your passport and documentation. Make copies of your passport and other travel documents so that you have proof of who you are to show embassies etc. So, take a photo of your documents and IDs, store them digitally in a safe place, and print out a copy for carrying with you around town.

If there’s a safe place for you to put the originals in country, you might do that instead of walking around with them.

Tip #4: Be Situationally Aware and Self Aware

It probably seems obvious that you want to be situationally aware while traveling to and through a foreign country. Don’t go to stupid places with stupid people at stupid times. Be aware of your surroundings. As mentioned before, you’re already likely obvious to locals. Don’t be oblivious.

Blending in and being a difficult target also means awareness of cultural norms and faux pas, being aware of the noise you make in public and your volume in restaurants. Keep your personal information, such as your room number and destinations, locked away in your mind.

Tourists get mugged in other countries on a fairly regular basis, and locals don’t. And this brings me back to the Costa Rica story. The mission team rented a bus. It was a couple dozen people. And after a little ways down the highway, they all climb off the bus and are immediately spotted.

The driver told them to lock the doors and roll up the windows because now everyone saw them look like a bunch of tourists. Someone forgot, and several backpacks were stolen within about ten minutes. So the group huddled to see who was missing what, and during the huddle they were covertly robbed again.

They were an easy target because they weren’t situationally aware and they were aware of just how large of a profile they had created with that large bus tour.

Tip #5: Enjoy the Food and Drink Wisely

Eating the wrong food in the wrong place can wreck you. The tomato on that airport sandwich might put you in the bathroom and the hospital for the next several days. If the place seems intended for tourists, you might be ok, but you also might want to ask your contacts for places that won’t make you evacuate out of both ends. 

And if you have any doubts, just don’t eat it. It’s also a good idea to avoid ice in your drinks. And in reference to all of these tips, a critical practice is to listen to your gut. If something seems out of place, remove yourself and your loved ones from the situation.

Train Hard. Train Smart. Live Free. Enjoy Your Summer.


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