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3 Reasons Everyone Should Own Body Armor

3 Reasons Everyone Should Own Body Armor

Posted by Warrior Poet Society on Mar 28th 2025

Everyone, and I do mean everyone — EVERYONE — should own body armor. Here’s three reasons, and maybe I’ll add a bonus reason, to why we all need to own body armor. Let’s get to it!

Reason # 1: A Literal Superpower

The very first reason is that body armor is like a literal superpower. It stops bullets from killing you. If you get shot in the heart without body armor, you will most assuredly die, but if you have body armor and you’re shot in the heart, congratulations, you’re bulletproof. You’ve now got that Superman thing going on, and I think that is a really good thing.

A lot of folks will relegate body armor to tactical teams, and I can hear you now, “But John, I’m not in the military, I’m not on a SWAT team.” But being bulletproof is cool for everyone around. Look at me, I’m not on a SWAT team. I’m not in the military anymore; I’m just a dude now.

But I have a body armor set up in my closet ready just in case my alarm goes off in the middle of the night. For me, it’s a two second move to slip my plate carrier over my shoulders, grab my rifle, and be ready to party. I’d like the ability to take multiple rounds to the thoracic cavity and be just fine. I think that is a superpower.

A lot of guys will invest money in all sorts of different guns in all sorts of different calibers (which is a good thing, I’m not dogging variety here. God love you for it, good job), but I want to encourage you to put some funds aside to buy ammo, training, body armor, and other lifesaving equipment like trauma kits and such.

Sell one gun and go buy body armor!

Reason #2: A Good Workout

I won’t sugarcoat it, body armor adds weight, but you can use that weight to your advantage. Going for a walk? Put on body armor. Doing pull ups? Put on body armor. Doing burpees? Put on body armor (just know that if you’re doing burpees and you have ceramic plates, you might crack them).

Throw some affordable trainer plates in there and get your workout on! You’ll be harder to kill for it, and your body armor has now helped you twice over.

Reason #3: Bring All Your Toys to the Fight

If you’ve set up your body armor properly, you can bring all your toys with you to the fight! You may need more than just your gun if you’re going to get into the thick of it. You can outfit your plate carrier with extra ammo, blades, tourniquets, medical, and whatever else you think you may need: flex cuffs, ear and eye protection, flashlight, anything to help you win the day.


All of your kit is with you which only adds to the benefit of this superpower!

Bonus Reason: ‘Merica

The number one reason why everyone should have body armor is because: ‘Merica. I am deliberately saying that without the “A” on the front. Why should you own body armor? Because you can! Flex your rights and summon all of your Second Amendment powers and have them culminate into a snazzy and down right sexy body armor set up so we can flex on other nations: “Hey, look at what you can’t have!” (Strike a hero pose).


Having a bullet stop before it punches through your chest and into your heart is a good thing. Imagine you have body armor and you get shot, your medical bills won’t be as high. Your family won’t have to shill out to a funeral home either. So, I’m saving you money already! You’re welcome.

If you want to get some good body armor, check out our store at It not only helps us out, but we’ve curated what we believe are the best options for you guys. We’ve sifted through all the junk out there so you don’t have to. You can be confident in what you’re getting and that it will work for you when you need it to.

Remember Train Hard. Train Smart. And get some body armor.


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